Tuesday, September 29, 2009

265.2....I guess a loss is a loss.

I had a....hard time getting to the gym this week. I slept an average of 5 hours per night. Weeks like this happen in my job and I've just GOT to find a way around them. Struggle continues.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm still here!

Hey! My good friend, Greg, reminded me that it HAS indeed been far too long since my last post - not to mention I neglected to update my weight and photos on Monday! May I be placed in a burlap sack and ritualistically beaten! SORRY! Explanation - I've been working 16+ hour days the past 5 days straight. Good times! Truly!

266 as of Monday. 4.2 more lbs on the gym floor. It's strange, because I'm still AHEAD of the schedule I've placed for myself - 2 lbs per week, but I've lost weight SO FAST in that past that I find myself wishing I was shedding the rolls faster again...even though that has NEVER worked for me long term. I need to grasp the fact that I need to do something DIFFERENT this time - namely, make it a lasting change.

Watched The Biggest Loser again tonight. SUCH a great show! So totally motivating!

I was able to comfortably wear two "new" pairs of pants this week. Funny how such little effort over so short a period of time can make such changes. I'm starting to feel subtle differences - more energy, less back pain, etc... Makes me wonder why I keep sliding back to fat-man status when I KNOW how much better I feel without the weight....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Racquetball tonight!

I've got to be honest - I'm playing racquetball with my buddy Aaron tonight and I'm so excited! We used to play at least twice a week....but we stopped for some reason and haven't really played in quite a while. I'm looking forward to really beating the crap out of him tonight! ;-)

If you don't know Aaron, who works with me at my Provo store, you SHOULD! He is one funny dude! Beating him used to be a real high point in my week, so I'm excited to get back to it!
Not to mention - racquetball is one of the better work outs I've ever had!!! I'm telling you, you can work up biggest looser type sweat! Very nice!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Biggest Loser

Short and sweet - without QUESTION the most motivating, inspiring show ever on the boobtube! If THEY can do it - anyone can! Tonight, while watching, I couldn't help but think, "MAN - I'm so glad that I'm dieting and working out - I couldn't handle the guilt otherwise!!!" Awesome!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Know what I just realized? I'm NOT the craziest person in my main picture at the top of this blog. Look at the hair on the guy just over my right shoulder! HE WENT IN PUBLIC LIKE THAT! At least I was posing for a picture....I'm just sayin'....

Monday, September 14, 2009

Week Two behind me

270.2. 3.2 more pounds. I was hoping for more, but not expecting as much. I know that week two's can be harsh as my body adjusts, and I had 4 nights with 4 or less hours sleep....which lead to less workouts. No excuses - I'm actually pretty pleased with 3.2 lbs and am still quite ahead of schedule.

For the most part, I'm settling in to my new routine and eating plan. I don't struggle with cravings too often....but MAN-O-MAN - that Jezebel wife of mine nearly brought my destruction this weekend. She decided to make brownies for a few parties we were having or attending. If you've never had Ambers brownies....you're likely much thinner than me! They are AMAZING.
...so....there they sat. On my counter. Hour after hour. Starring, laughing, mocking. Temping me. "just a nibble"... Well, I'll admit, I ate a few CRUMBS - literally, crumbs, no more than the combined total of a postage stamp. But I held back my TIDE OF DESIRE and am quite proud of me.

Honestly, even while typing that last part I had to stick a piece of gum in my mouth to stave off the watering....


New pics below. Warning: these really accentuate my LOVELY man-boobs. View with caution!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Food makes me happy....and that's sad

Conundrum. I didn't even know how to spell it, but I know what it means. I'm completely convinced that I would be in GREAT shape if I didn't like food. It's funny that something we must have to sustain life, can also have such drastic blowback. I guess a lot of things are like that:

Water - you've got to have some....but not too much. Just ask the patrons of the Titanic...ya know, when you get there.

Fire - cozy and nice....unless you're Freddy Kruger!

Neil Diamond - Cherry Cherry is a great song. Sweat Caroline and a FEW select others on a very occasional basis are quite nice....but too much of that and you're likely to just snap completely and kill everyone and then you!

Food is this way. The real problem with me is I enjoy the social aspect (sitting around chatting over food - discussing different kinds of food, etc) as much as anything. It's a LOT easier to get excited about a thick juicy steak than a fat, stringy celery stalk. I'm just sayin...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sleep or workout?!?

The age old struggle....

I usually fight harder than I did this morning....I contend that it's harder to win that fight when you work until 1am - but NO excuses! I'll be hitting the gym right after work today!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Week one in the books!

273.4. 8.1lbs lost during week one! Whew! I thought there would be more left on the gym floor....but I'll take it!

I've decided that going to the gym on holiday's is a double edged sword. If you're like me - lazy at heart - on your way into the gym you're thinking "wait! I'm that guy that I HATE!!!!! "oh...I know it's Thanksgiving but I just HAVE to wake up early and get my 5 miles in or I'll hate myself for every morsel I allow to pass my thin, life-hating lips"...I can't be this guy!!!!!"

....On the other hand - there are considerably less people there which makes it an all-around more enjoyable experience! oh, the give and take of life!

Pics of me at week one below. Careful - these are TRULY exciting shots! ;-)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Blob!

I had to share a FUNNY little exchange that happened today. We went up the canyon tonight with my sister's family and our friends and this blog came up. My sister asked why I hadn't posted my official before picture because she had been "watching my blob!" ....I'm hoping she meant blog - but, let's face it, she's right either way!

Cheat day

So, for every diet I've every been successful with, including the time I lost around 80 lbs...I've always had a "cheat day." A day set aside for me to eat some of the things I DO NOT eat during any other time of the week. This helps me keep my sanity and keeps me from killing everyone and then me.

This time around is no exception. Fridays are my day to eat things that I've been craving during the rest of the week. In the past I've ALWAYS looked so forward to Fridays (and I will no doubt get there again) but, honestly, I struggled yesterday - which I'm pretty sure is a good sign. I didn't cheat one little bit, until Amber and I went on a date to Olive Garden last night....I know that "the change" is already starting and I'm going to be very successful with loosing and keeping the weight off this time around!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


OUCH!!!!! MAN!!!!!!

Every movement I make makes me wish I hadn't moved. Is this God's way of saying STOP DOING THIS? Or...is it a sign that I might need to do it a little more frequently?!? Unfortunately, it's likely the latter....

Either way, I've decided that you KNOW you got a great work out when it's a struggle to wash your hair! And boy o boy was it hard for me to wash my hair today!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I can't help it....this is how I feel on a treadmill....Am I alone in this? The only difference is that I don't get to use one of those awesome upside down water bottle things. I'd like that! ;-)

Another day - going strong!